Recognize, Respond, Refer
Expandable List
All community members are responsible for contributing to an environment that is free of sexual violence, and for participating in relevant education and training programs.
Community members are not expected to be experts, but rather to recognize, respond, and refer to appropriately support an individual who makes a disclosure.
- Share information about SVPRO
- Email:
- Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 20909
- Share information about other relevant resources
- Sexual Assault Centre of Hamilton Area (SACHA) 24/7 support line: 905-525-4162
- Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence (SA/DV) Care Centre if the individual experienced sexual assault within the past 12 days and wants to get evidence collected
- If limits of confidentiality apply, inform appropriate University official
- Follow-up and check in with the individual, as appropriate
- Consult and get support from the Case Manager, Sexual Violence Response as needed
Information Box Group
Language Matters
The words you use to respond have an impact. Choose language that validates and empathizes, not language that questions and minimizes.
Don't Say
“Why did you go there?”
“Why were you drinking/taking drugs/etc.?”
“What were you thinking?”
“Did you SAY no?”
“Why would (the accused) do that to you?”
“But they’re such a nice person.”
“I can’t believe they would do that.”
“Are you sure that is what happened?”
“It could have been worse.”
“You shouldn’t feel that way.”
“You should report this so that you can make sure it doesn’t happen to anyone else.”
“You should get forensic evidence collected so that the case can go to court and the accused prosecuted.”
“I will do anything you need me to do.”
Do Say
“Is this a good place to talk?”
“Do you feel comfortable in this space?”
“I’m sorry that this happened to you.”
“Do you think you might need medical attention?”
“Are you concerned for your physical safety?”
“Thank you for trusting me enough to come to me.”
“I think it took a lot of courage to share this.”
“You can share as little/much as you’d like.”
“It’s ok to feel a lot of different emotions…”
“It’s ok to feel nothing…”
“It makes sense to me that you feel…”
“Is there anything you would like me to do?”
“How can I help you best?”
“What do you need, if you know?”
“What I hear you saying is…”
“I’d like you to know there are options for support.”
Response Protocol
Staff, faculty and student leaders must follow the pertinent response protocols, outlined below.
If there is an imminent risk of physical harm, tell the person disclosing to you to contact 911 or their local emergency number and call McMaster Security Services (905-525-9140 ext. 24281) to inform them of the situation.
Limits to Confidentiality
Disclosures of sexual violence must be brought to the Case Manager, Sexual Violence Response if they meet any of the following limits to confidentiality:
- There is a risk of harm (to self, others or the broader community)
- There is an obligation by law (if the person disclosing to you is under 16 years of age)
- There is an obligation by a regulatory body (if the accused belongs to a profession regulated by a college, such as social workers, nurses or physicians)
Expandable List
Follow the recognize, respond, refer model.
If the limits to confidentiality apply:
- During work hours: contact the Case Manager, Sexual Violence Response
- Email:
- Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 20909
- After work hours: contact Security Services (905-525-9140 ext. 24281) OR Sexual Assault Centre of Hamilton Area‘s (SACHA) 24/7 support line (905-525-4162)
- If supporting a student virtually/outside Hamilton, you can view listings of Sexual Assault Centres across Ontario and Sexual Assault Centres across Canada
- Document the disclosure on StarRez (CAs) or Jira (Mentors)
- Use the student’s name and mention receiving a disclosure of sexual violence; do not share any other details
- Your Residence Life Area Coordinator or Coach will follow up with you
If the limits to confidentiality do not apply:
- Provide student with Case Manager, Sexual Violence Response contact information and encourage them to reach out in their own time
- Email:
- Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 20909
- Document the disclosure on StarRez (CAs) or Jira (Mentors)
- Use the student’s name and mention receiving a disclosure of sexual violence; do not share any other details
- Your Residence Life Area Coordinator or Coach will follow up with you
Once you receive a report of sexual violence disclosure on StarRez or Jira, follow up with the CA or Mentor for more details. Do not follow up with the student who disclosed the experience themselves, to limit the number of times they must disclose. Check in to see how the mentor is doing.
In all cases, connect with Case Manager, Sexual Violence Response. If the limits to confidentiality do not apply, you do not need to share the name of the student, just that someone on your team has received a disclosure.
- Email:
- Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 20909
Including: Faculty Reps, Faculty Planners, Residence Orientation Reps, Residence Orientation Advisors, and Maroons
Follow the recognize, respond, refer model.
If the limits to confidentiality apply:
- During work hours: contact the Case Manager, Sexual Violence Response
- Email:
- Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 20909
- After work hours: contact Security Services (905-525-9140 ext. 24281) OR Sexual Assault Centre of Hamilton Area‘s (SACHA) 24/7 support line (905-525-4162)
- If supporting a student virtually/outside Hamilton, you can view listings of Sexual Assault Centres across Ontario and Sexual Assault Centres across Canada
- Reach out to the Case Manager, Sexual Violence Response if you need support
If the limits to confidentiality do not apply:
- Provide student with Case Manager, Sexual Violence Response contact information and encourage them to reach out in their own time
- Email:
- Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 20909
- Follow up with the individual, as appropriate
- Reach out to the Case Manager, Sexual Violence Response if you need support
Follow the recognize, respond, refer model.
If the limits to confidentiality apply:
- During work hours: contact the Case Manager, Sexual Violence Response
- Email:
- Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 20909
- After work hours: contact Security Services (905-525-9140 ext. 24281) OR Sexual Assault Centre of Hamilton Area‘s (SACHA) 24/7 support line (905-525-4162)
- If supporting a student virtually/outside Hamilton, you can view listings of Sexual Assault Centres across Ontario and Sexual Assault Centres across Canada
- Reach out to the Case Manager, Sexual Violence Response if you need support
If the limits to confidentiality do not apply:
- Provide student with Case Manager, Sexual Violence Response contact information and encourage them to reach out in their own time
- Email:
- Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 20909
- Follow up with the individual, as appropriate
- Reach out to the Case Manager, Sexual Violence Response if you need support
- Faculty and staff, acting in their capacity as supervisors within a Faculty, Academic Department, or Residence, and/or Workplace Supervisors are responsible for cooperating with the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office and/or the Intake Offices in the implementation of Accommodations and Interim Measures.
- Faculty and staff who are health care providers are required to maintain the confidentiality of patient information disclosed during a medical interaction (e.g. doctors, nurses) in accordance with their professional obligations.
- Members of the faculty and staff (with the exception of those identified above) who receive disclosures must:
- Follow the Recognize, Respond, Refer guidelines for support;
- Maintain confidentiality within its limits;
- If the Limits of Confidentiality apply, discuss Limits with the person and immediately inform the SVPRO Consultant, or
- If it is unclear if the Limits of Confidentiality apply, contact the SVPRO Consultant, discussing the Disclosure without providing identifying information, unless the individual has given permission to do so, in order that the Consultant may assess whether the Limits to Confidentiality apply and appropriate next steps; and
- Liaise with the Case Manager, Sexual Violence Resposne to ensure ongoing support, as needed.